The automatic charging mixer often runs on the construction site. During the use of the engine, it is unavoidable to avoid the sludge generated by the steam of various oil. These sludge and dust are mixed together and heated, which becomes one of the hidden dangers of auto ignition. The second is that a large amount of dust and wet air are attached to the engine parts and pipelines in the form of mud, which will accelerate the aging of parts The dirty engine compartment is easy to become the nest of mice and some reptiles, so it is imperative to clean the engine compartment. How to clean the engine compartment? The self loading mixer teaches you how to clean the engine compartment.
1. 准备清洗工具,发动机外表清洗剂和发动机线束护理剂;一把小刷子,刷头宽度不要太大,因为发动机舱的缝隙多且狭窄,用窄头更加方便;一个口罩和一双手套,发动机外表清洗剂对人体有一定的危害,味儿有点刺鼻,所以要准备口罩和手套。
1. Prepare cleaning tools, engine surface cleaning agent and engine harness care agent; a small brush, the width of the brush head should not be too large, because there are many and narrow gaps in the engine compartment, it is more convenient to use the narrow head; a mask and a pair of gloves, the engine surface cleaning agent has certain harm to the human body, the smell is a little pungent, so prepare masks and gloves.
2. 找一个停车的位置,发动机的清洗避免不了有污水流到地上,所以在准备清洗之前,尽量将车辆停放到人车之处。
2. Find a parking place, the engine cleaning can not avoid the sewage flowing to the ground, so before preparing for cleaning, park the vehicle to the place where there are few people and vehicles.

3. 先将发动机的装饰盖卸掉,先用抹布或者刷子对发动机舱进行简单的除尘,然后就可以用发动机外表清洗剂操作。将发动机内部的保险盒、点火线圈、发电机等一些不能沾水和清洗剂的零部件做一下防水处理(这些零部件可以单独清洁),之后将清洗剂摇匀,再喷在发动机舱内的零部件上,注意喷洒距离保持在15厘米左右就可以了,尽量喷洒均匀一些,油泥多的地方适当多喷一些。
3. First remove the decorative cover of the engine, and then clean the engine compartment with a cloth or brush, and then use the cleaning agent on the surface of the engine. First, waterproof the fuse box, ignition coil, generator and other parts that can not be stained with water and cleaning agent (these parts can be cleaned separately). Then, shake up the cleaning agent and spray it on the parts in the engine compartment. Pay attention to the spraying distance of about 15 cm. Spray evenly as far as possible, and the place with more sludge is appropriate Spray more.
4. 用小刷子清理,在喷完清洗剂后,需等待5分钟左右,让清洗剂继续化解油泥,直完全化解,然后用小刷子进行刷洗,可以明显看到油泥化开的效果。发动机舱缝隙较多,一定要耐心刷干净,因为之后还会喷上养护剂(相当于上了一层蜡油),如果不刷洗干净,脏东西就封在里面了。自动上料赢咖7注册发动机的进气管很容易沾上油泥,颜色难看且不易清洗,需要细心的刷干净,还有一些走电、走油液的管路,也要清洗干净,防止油泥和其它污物对它们进行腐蚀,造成泄漏。
4. Clean with a small brush. After spraying the cleaning agent, it is necessary to wait for about 5 minutes to let the cleaning agent continue to dissolve the sludge until it is completely dissolved, and then use a small brush to brush, which can obviously see the effect of the sludge. There are many gaps in the engine compartment, so you must brush it patiently, because after that, you will spray the curing agent (equivalent to a layer of wax oil). If you don't brush it clean, the dirty things will be sealed inside. The air inlet pipe of the automatic feeding mixer engine is easy to be stained with oil sludge. The color is ugly and not easy to clean. It needs to be cleaned carefully. Some power and oil pipelines also need to be cleaned to prevent oil sludge and other dirt from corroding them and causing leakage.
5. 清水清洗,清洗剂在化解油泥后,还是会附着在发动机舱内的各个零件上,所以在它们即将风干之前,需要用清水清洗干净,切忌用高压水枪清洗。在清洗之前先要做一下防范措施,就是先启动发动机保持怠速状态,这样做的原因有两点:一是防止点线圈等关键部位溅到水后,造成短时间启动困难,二是发动机运转后,机体温度会上升,可以加速水蒸发变干。
5. Clean with water. After dissolving the sludge, the cleaning agent will still adhere to all parts in the engine compartment. Therefore, before they are about to dry, they need to be cleaned with clean water. Do not use high-pressure water gun to clean them. Before cleaning, the preventive measures should be taken, that is, start the engine to keep idle. There are two reasons for doing so: first, prevent the key parts such as the point coil from splashing with water, which makes it difficult to start in a short time; second, after the engine is running, the body temperature will rise, which can accelerate the evaporation and drying of water.
6. 线束护理剂,在用水清洗之后,一定要将发动机内部件上的水吹干,气枪吹干是很好的方式,如果没有,只能用吸水性好的毛巾擦干,然后待其完全晾干。然后将线束护理剂均匀地喷洒在发动机舱内的各个部件上就好了。这样做可以防止油泥积累,减缓线束老化,减少老旧车型自燃的几率。自上料赢咖7注册价格不算便宜,一定要保养好,让它为您带来更多的经济收益。
6. After cleaning the harness with water, the water on the internal parts of the engine must be dried. Air gun drying is a good way. If not, only use a towel with good water absorption, and then let it dry completely. Then spray the harness care agent evenly on all parts in the engine compartment. This can prevent the accumulation of sludge, slow down the aging of wiring harness and reduce the risk of spontaneous combustion of old vehicles. The price of self feeding mixer is not cheap, so it must be well maintained to bring you more economic benefits.
The above is how to clean up the sludge in the engine compartment of the automatic feeding mixer. I hope it will help you. If you have the need to purchase the mixer, please leave a message on our website.