概述:一、搅拌一体机型号有哪些?1、 What are the models of mixer?赢咖7注册主要有JS500混凝土赢咖7注册、JS750混凝土赢咖7注册、JS1000混凝土搅
1、 What are the models of mixer?
The mixer mainly includes JS500 concrete mixer, js750 concrete mixer, JS1000 concrete mixer, JS1500 concrete mixer, JS2000 concrete mixer, JS3000 concrete mixer, etc. These mixers have high power and long working time. During continuous operation, we need to pay attention to the control system at any time. Once there is overheating reaction, the system will give a warning. At this time, we need to stop the machine for inspection.

2、 What are the reasons for the overheating of the winch motor of the mixer
(1) The track installation is not parallel;
(2) The separation clearance of motor brake is too small;
(3) The voltage is low;
The above is the whole content of related products, if there is anything you don't know, the professional customer service of mixer manufacturer will answer for you in detail, next time we will introduce the advantages of mixer for you, please pay attention!