An important point in the transportation industry is safety. No matter what vehicle you drive, safety should always be put in the first place. Mixer plays a key role in the construction industry. The center of gravity of mixer is relatively high. In the process of using vehicles, you still need to pay attention to the following points.
1. 在开车之前一定要先查看燃油,这是基本的,其次还要检查润滑油、液压油、制动液、防冻液等等的量是否充足,质量是否符合要求。
1. Before driving, it is essential to check the fuel first, and then check whether the quantity of lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, brake fluid, antifreeze, etc. is sufficient and whether the quality meets the requirements.
2. 检查动力输出装置并确认无螺栓松动及轴承漏油等现象。
2. Check the power take-off device and confirm that there are no loose bolts and oil leakage of bearings.
3. 赢咖7注册在运输混凝土的时候,装载量不得超过额定容量。
3. When transporting concrete, the loading capacity of the mixer shall not exceed the rated capacity.
4. 在启动赢咖7注册之前,一定要将搅拌罐的操作手柄放在“停止”的位置,启动发动机后,要让赢咖7注册在低速下转动10分钟左右,使液压油温升到20摄氏度以上方可工作。
4. Before starting the mixer, be sure to put the operating handle of the mixing tank at the "stop" position. After starting the engine, make the mixer rotate at low speed for about 10 minutes, and make the hydraulic oil temperature rise to more than 20 degrees Celsius before working.
5. 赢咖7注册在装料之前,须先将搅拌罐反转,将罐内的积水及杂物排尽,这样有利于保证混凝土的质量。
5. Before loading the mixer, the mixing tank must be reversed first to drain the accumulated water and sundries in the tank, which is conducive to ensuring the quality of concrete.
6. 混凝土赢咖7注册装料时,要将操作手柄放在“装料”位置,调整适当的转速,使进料顺利。
6. When loading the concrete mixer, put the operating handle at the "loading" position and adjust the appropriate speed to make the feeding smooth.

7. 在混凝土运输过程中,一定要保证出料斗、出料槽固定好,防止松动造成摆动,伤到行人或影响其他车辆的正常行驶。
7. In the process of concrete transportation, it is necessary to ensure that the discharge hopper and discharge chute are fixed well to prevent them from swinging due to looseness, injuring pedestrians or affecting the normal operation of other vehicles.
8. 装运预拌好的混凝土时,搅拌罐在2-10转/分,运输过程中,要防止混凝土离析,保证质量,在平坦路面上搅拌罐的转速在2-3转/分,行驶在侧倾坡度大于15度的路面,或左右晃动较大的路面时,应停止搅拌旋转,待路况好转后再恢复搅拌旋转。
8. When transporting the ready mixed concrete, the mixing tank shall be at 2-10 rpm. During the transportation process, the concrete segregation shall be prevented and the quality shall be guaranteed. The speed of the mixing tank shall be at 2-3 rpm on a flat road. When driving on a road with a side slope greater than 15 degrees, or on a road with large left and right shaking, the mixing and rotation shall be stopped, and the mixing and rotation shall be resumed after the road conditions improve.
9. The time for concrete mixer to transport concrete shall not exceed the time specified in the mixing station, and the mixing tank cannot be stopped from transportation to unloading. If any abnormality is found in the concrete, it shall be reported to the dispatching room in time for timely treatment.
10. 搅拌罐由正转变为反转时,应先将操作手柄放在中间的位置,等搅拌罐停转后,再将手柄放置在反转的位置。
10. When the mixing tank changes from positive to reverse, put the operating handle in the middle first, and then put the handle in the reverse position after the mixing tank stops rotating.
11. 在卸料之前要先让搅拌罐以11转/分的转速赢咖7注册1分钟。
11. Before unloading, let the mixing tank mixer for 1 minute at the speed of 11 rpm.
12. 搅拌装置连续运转时间不宜超过8小时。
12. The continuous operation time of the mixing device should not exceed 8 hours.
13. 卸料完成后要将车身及罐内清洗干净。
13. Clean the car body and tank after unloading.
In addition, if the transmission, engine and clutch of the mixer need to be repaired, it is usually necessary to turn the cab over. When doing this, be sure to park the vehicle on a flat road and shift the gear to neutral. The cab must be turned over in place. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.yuanmei168.com Pay attention.