概述: 混凝土赢咖7注册的构成及作用: Composition and function of concrete mixer: 赢咖7注册构是由水平安置的双圆槽形拌筒与两根按相
Composition and function of concrete mixer:
The mixing mechanism is composed of a horizontal double circular groove mixing drum, two mixing shafts rotating in the opposite direction and the mixing blades installed on it. The action radius of mixing blade is cross each other, the blade and the center of the shaft will form a certain angle, and the front and back up and down will stagger a certain space. Therefore, when the mixing shaft starts to rotate, on the one hand, the blades should drive the mixture to make circular motion and roll up and down in the two mixing drums. At the same time, at the place where the mixing blades meet or overlap, the mixture will exchange body positions in the common area between the two shafts; On the other hand, the mixture is pushed to move continuously from one rotating plane to another along the direction of mixing shaft.

A moving micro concrete mixture is taken as a moving unit, which has a complex movement form in the mixing process. When the mixing blade drives the unit to move upward from the bottom of the mixing drum, due to the gravity effect, there is no other barrier, and the mixture is loose from the squeezed state, resulting in scattered throwing, just like the self falling mixing process; When the mixing blade pushes the unit downward, due to the resistance of the inner wall of the mixing drum and the materials nearby, the mixture is subject to extrusion pressure and friction, which not only has a large flow, but also has a small range of extrusion and re mixing, just like the forced mixing process.