概述:水泥赢咖7注册的操作程序和注意事项是什么?What are the operation procedures and precautions of cement mixer?,水泥赢咖7注册
What are the operation procedures and precautions of cement mixer?
First, the operation steps of cement mixer
1.将色谱柱上的功能开关转到“自动”位置,然后按下控制器上的启动开关。 整个运行程序将自动控制操作。
1. Turn the function switch on the chromatographic column to the "automatic" position, and then press the start switch on the controller. The whole running program will control the operation automatically.
2.整个过程完成后,它将自动停止。 如果您需要在运行项目期间中途停止,可以按停止按钮然后重新启动。
2. After the whole process is completed, it will stop automatically. If you need to stop midway through a project run, you can press the stop button and restart.
3. After pressing the start button, the display will start to display time, slow speed, grinding, fast, stop, fast and running indicator lights flashing on time.

4. In automatic control, all switches of manual function turn to stop position.
Second, the cement mixer noticed
1.使用测量仪检测刀片与锅壁之间的间隙应为3mm±2mm。 如果间隙超出公差范围,可以调整刀片的上下位置以达到指定范围。
1. The gap between blade and boiler wall should be 3 mm ± 2 mm by measuring instrument. If the clearance exceeds the tolerance range, the upper and lower positions of the blade can be adjusted to reach the specified range.
2.每次使用后,应及时清理混合叶和盆。 电气部件应避免剧烈振动,远离水和高温,并注意灰尘。
2. After each use, the mixing leaf and basin should be cleaned in time. Electric parts should avoid violent vibration, keep away from water and high temperature, and pay attention to dust.
3.操作过程中严禁维护。 为了保持和维护赢咖7注册,有必要关闭电源,锁上电动锁箱,挂断“有些人工作不准关闭”卡,并派专人监督。
3. Maintenance is strictly prohibited during operation. In order to maintain and maintain the mixer, it is necessary to turn off the power supply, lock the electric lock box, hang up the card of "some people are not allowed to turn off when working", and assign special personnel to supervise.