概述:自动上料赢咖7注册厂家分析发动机要怎样进行修理?How to repair the engine according to the manufacturer& 39;s analysis of th
How to repair the engine according to the manufacturer's analysis of the automatic charging mixer?
一,气缸的内径过度磨损。圆度偏差为0.040.06 mm,圆柱度偏差为0.080.12 mm(通常测量圆柱体下半部和上半部之间的差)。对于多缸发动机,圆度和圆柱度之间的偏差基于具有高磨损的气缸。
1、 The inner diameter of the cylinder is excessively worn. The roundness deviation is 0.04 to 0.06 mm and the cylindricity deviation is 0.08 to 0.12 mm (the difference between the lower and upper half of the cylinder is usually measured). For multi cylinder engines, the deviation between roundness and cylindricity is based on the cylinder with high wear.
Secondly, the amount of oil increases significantly, the oil pressure decreases, and black and blue smoke is discharged from the exhaust pipe.
Third, the power of the automatic feeding mixer has been greatly reduced. Its high power is only about 60% of the rated power (excluding power loss due to high altitude), and its cylinder pressure is less than 65% of the standard pressure.

第四,曲轴磨损太大,轴磨损超过使用极限后曲轴的圆度和圆柱度偏差,或者圆度和锥度限制在0.10 mm。
Fourth, the crankshaft wear is too large, and the roundness and cylindricity deviation or roundness and taper are limited to 0.10 mm after the shaft wear exceeds the service limit.
第五,当发动机启动或停止时,如果水温为50 ^ -60°C,水温将无法平稳启动。
Fifth, when the engine starts or stops, if the water temperature is 50 ^ - 60 ° C, the water temperature will not start smoothly.
Sixth, the engine is abnormal or abnormal. When the engine is running at high temperature, there will be noise in the cylinder (piston knock), and the main bearing and connecting rod bearing will produce violent vibration and knock noise.
The above is the automatic feeding mixer manufacturers repair engine related content, hope to help you, want to learn more, welcome to click our automatic charging mixer http://www.yuanmei168.com Website.