概述:搅拌一体机防冻液的使用误区有哪些?下面混凝土赢咖7注册厂家为大家介绍一下关于防冻液的作用:What are the mistakes in using antifre
What are the mistakes in using antifreeze for all-in-one mixer? The concrete mixer manufacturer will introduce the function of antifreeze
1. 冷却,它可以将发动机产生的热量散出,保证发动机处于好的工作温度。
1. Cooling, which can dissipate the heat generated by the engine and ensure that the engine is at a good working temperature.
2. 防冻,它可以防止随车吊等专用车辆在寒冷冬天停车时冷却液结冰而胀裂车辆的冷却系统。
2. Antifreeze, which can prevent the cooling system of special vehicles such as truck mounted crane from cracking due to the freezing of coolant when parking in cold 。
3. 防腐蚀,它可以对冷却系统的部件起到防腐保护作用。
3. Anti corrosion. It can protect the parts of the cooling system from corrosion.
4. 防止水垢,冷却液可以避免降低散热器的散热作用。
4. To prevent scale, coolant can avoid reducing the heat dissipation of radiator.

The usage mistake of antifreeze in mixer
1. 一些搅拌一体机司机认为防冻液只在冬天使用,在夏天用水代替。这是错误的。
1. Some mixer drivers think that antifreeze is only used in winter, instead of water in summer. This is wrong.
2. 防冻液只在北方寒冷的地方使用,在南方比较温暖的地方不用。这也是错误的。
2. Antifreeze is only used in cold places in the north, but not in warm places in the south. This is also wrong.
3. All in one mixer, antifreeze is not only used in winter, but also used all year round in vehicles. Generally, antifreeze is replaced every two years in special vehicles, which is to ensure the freezing point of antifreeze. Because the freezing point and boiling point of antifreeze are higher than the temperature of water tank, the cooling effect of vehicles will be more significant if antifreeze is used all year round. How to know the freezing point of antifreeze? Let's see:
First, release a small cup of antifreeze from the engine cooling system; then put the antifreeze into the freezer, gradually adjust the temperature of the freezer down, and check what temperature the antifreeze begins to freeze, so as to check the freezing point of the antifreeze in use. There are four common colors of antifreeze, red, yellow, blue and green. In fact, antifreeze itself is colorless and transparent liquid. The reason why it is made into bright colors is that it is easy to distinguish and identify, and some color agents are added. In this way, users can easily distinguish when choosing antifreeze. Antifreeze of different colors cannot be mixed, otherwise the engine will be damaged.